Tuesday, February 24, 2004

hallo! guten tag...

no, u guessed wrong. i didnt just pick up the above german phrase from some language website....

i usually do that...but this time around, i'm actually learning german. Yes, that's right people, i'm learning a foreign language after a gap of like 11 years. 11 years back i was learning arabic. It was part my curriculum while i was schooling in the Middle East. Back then, i didn't like studying...not that i do now, of course. But now, i like to learn languages. I now have this oppurtunity to do the same (thanks to sujata, my german teacher).

Why the love for languages? Not very sure myself. But in some way, i feel learning a language takes you somewhere far away, into another culture, another place.....Its like being part of an adventure you always wanted to be in.

My environmental mgmt. test went OK. I hadn't done much studying. So for the measly effort i put in, I'd say i did pretty decent.

I played soccer today. After a real long time. I had been forewarned by my friends rohith and joseph that i'd be up against some rough guys who kick you more than the ball. I was undaunted. I had got this oppurtunity after long last (yet another oppurtunity!), and i didnt want to chicken out! I did remove my specs however. I was playing half-blind. BUt..we won

Monday, February 23, 2004

hey...guess i'm back real soon...still learning how to blog...pretty interesting this thing is (duh?..i know...)
hey....just a sample blog. will b back with something more substantial later. got a environmental mgmt test tomm :(