Thursday, April 15, 2004

back after a long hiatus...

dont wish to write down that's happened in my life since my last blog. Not that much has happened anyway.
BUT..yes, my 3rd module exams did get over...that's some serious relief. No more exams till september this year.... :))

As of now,doing my summer internship with colgate-palmolive. Involved in market research. Will get to travel all around Mumbai...hoping to know the city like the back of my hand at the end of two months. More importantly, will get to to meet tons of stockists, retailers and of course, consumers....
Col-pal's probably got the best sales setup in India...getting to understand and actually seeing it in action is in itself an awesome experience....

Looking forward to an exciting summer at col-pal...and of course, after that, a 25 day stay(hopefully) at home in June....:)

btw, most of my friends dont agree on this one....but I FEEL, Vanilla Coke's great....

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