Thursday, August 18, 2005

I did it!! I finally did it! :))

I have always wanted to perform a perfectly choregraphed, explosive group dance number in front of a rocking crowd. Never got the chance in school, or college.

And I never thought I'd fulfill this dream at work!!

The theme for the dance was Bollywood. The entire dance sequence built itself with hindi film music from the 60s right upto the 2000s. Our group performed to a dance number from the latest era in Bollywood.

Here are some snaps of our group rocking to "Dus Bahane.." at our company's Mid Year conference/party


Anonymous said...

WOW! yo man! Congrats! never knew you love dancing though.. ;)


Anonymous said...

Alex where are you i cant se you..

chaos said...

cool man...
way to go!!! live your dreamz... :)

Accenture said...

doood, U Rock...

Hey check out the Story yaar.. I just laughed so much... chk out "Fool's Proof"

Accenture said...

Am expecting some blog on your Chennai visit, so dont deceive me...