I haven't been jogging since the past 10 days. I feel a little bad about it. Fortunately, 6 out of those 10 days I can write off, cos' of Prerana and Confluence ( my girlfriend and my pet chameleon respectively ..... ok ok..just kidding..refer to previous blogs to know what those 2 are).
But I can't write off the other days now can I? So while Rohith, went jogging each morning, going from strength to strength(literally!)...Me, I've been generally lying around.
Consequence: Rohith has taken his morning exploits one step ahead and now plays Tennis in the evenings. I, on the other hand, have taken my slumber beyond the confines of my room and into the sacred realms of the classroom.
To offset this excessive and continued downtrend of my eyelids. I've decided i'm going to lie on my bed and think about what i'm going to do ...to...er..umm... offset this excessive and continued downtrend of my eyelids.
Some of my more intelligent readers would be probably be on their way to my room to pat me on my back or writing me congratulatory emails, as they read the above paragraph. The reason is simple. In the above para, i've subtly introduced the inside-out method of bodily rejuventaion.
Let me explain.
The human consists of 3 fundamental planes arranged in a sort of hierarchy - soul/spirit, mind, body. My technique simply advocates that in order to get your body all energetic again, you have to start at the roots - namely, the spirit. Then we move on the mind. A healthy state of the spirit and mind will automatically ensure a healthy body.
Which is why i'm going to lie on my bed and think. (I've skipped the spiritual development part here....it is assumed that 4 years in engineering and 2 years at NITIE is enough for anyone to develop a strong spiritual inclination. For the others who havent been through these 6 years...believe me, you shouldn't be complaining)
I think I'll go disturb Rohith now. (notice the subtle intertwining of the mind and body, resulting in physical action....my theory is already at work!...beat that Einstien!!)
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Was at IIM-A the last 3 days. Had an extended weekend, so six of us took off to Ahmedabad to attend Confluence at IIM-A.
I would like to classify my time spent there into two. Time spent comepeting and Time spent not competing.
With regards to the former, stranger things couldnt have happened. We cleared the stratosphere prelims, only to be told an hour later that the results had to be recalculated. In the new list we failed to make the mark.
We played the finance simulation game and we won( surprising i know...but we actually hit the jackpot!)...only to be told a half and hour later that the results had to be recalculated. No prizes for guessing.....the latest rankings put us at 4th.
And finally we actually qualified for BizQuizitive hosted by Sid Basu. Well almost.
Only 6 teams were required for the finals. Unfortuantely there was a tie between 2 teams for the 6th spot - IIMC and us. This had to be resolved first, which was to be done using a buzzer. The question was fairly simple and i think we might have missed out on the buzzer by a nano-second. IIM-C got in and we walked back.
As these fiascos happened one after another... I felt awed. It was almost as if there was this pattern .. a certain design that the 6 of us had to go through. It was too deliberate to be coincidence ( and no i'm in no way accusing anyone here of malpractice or anything of that sort...i believe the mistakes made in calcualtions were genuine).
I learnt a lot from the experience...and strangely , i feel good about losing. I never feel that way....but this time i did. I somehow believe it was almost as if we were actually kept from winning by a certain force ..for an unknown reason. But a definite reason nevertheless. What that reason is, i dont know...but it will manifest itself to the six of us sometime in the future...of that i am sure.
Regarding my time spent not competing - I had a jolly good time. Caught up with a lot of friends of mine at IIM-A and even some friends of mine who cams as participants from other colleges. I still can't forget some of the awesome free corporate lunches i had during these 3 days ( who said there's nothing like a free lunch ?). Breaksfast was amazing too. And in between all this, I spend some time alone taking a walk through the surreally lit corridors of the IIM-A buildings. Gave me a sense of otherworldliness....very hard to describe in words.
On the whole a mentally enriching experience....
I would like to classify my time spent there into two. Time spent comepeting and Time spent not competing.
With regards to the former, stranger things couldnt have happened. We cleared the stratosphere prelims, only to be told an hour later that the results had to be recalculated. In the new list we failed to make the mark.
We played the finance simulation game and we won( surprising i know...but we actually hit the jackpot!)...only to be told a half and hour later that the results had to be recalculated. No prizes for guessing.....the latest rankings put us at 4th.
And finally we actually qualified for BizQuizitive hosted by Sid Basu. Well almost.
Only 6 teams were required for the finals. Unfortuantely there was a tie between 2 teams for the 6th spot - IIMC and us. This had to be resolved first, which was to be done using a buzzer. The question was fairly simple and i think we might have missed out on the buzzer by a nano-second. IIM-C got in and we walked back.
As these fiascos happened one after another... I felt awed. It was almost as if there was this pattern .. a certain design that the 6 of us had to go through. It was too deliberate to be coincidence ( and no i'm in no way accusing anyone here of malpractice or anything of that sort...i believe the mistakes made in calcualtions were genuine).
I learnt a lot from the experience...and strangely , i feel good about losing. I never feel that way....but this time i did. I somehow believe it was almost as if we were actually kept from winning by a certain force ..for an unknown reason. But a definite reason nevertheless. What that reason is, i dont know...but it will manifest itself to the six of us sometime in the future...of that i am sure.
Regarding my time spent not competing - I had a jolly good time. Caught up with a lot of friends of mine at IIM-A and even some friends of mine who cams as participants from other colleges. I still can't forget some of the awesome free corporate lunches i had during these 3 days ( who said there's nothing like a free lunch ?). Breaksfast was amazing too. And in between all this, I spend some time alone taking a walk through the surreally lit corridors of the IIM-A buildings. Gave me a sense of otherworldliness....very hard to describe in words.
On the whole a mentally enriching experience....
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Its been Hectic...Exhilarating...Tiring...enriching....an experience....
Its been Prerana 2004 - NITIE's annual B-school fest.
Its our last Prerana...leaving NITIE in about 3 months...its fun experiences like these that i KNOW i will miss out on.
Been listening to "Jeene ke ishaare" from the movie Phir Milenge...been mesmerizing me for the past few days.
Its been Prerana 2004 - NITIE's annual B-school fest.
Its our last Prerana...leaving NITIE in about 3 months...its fun experiences like these that i KNOW i will miss out on.
Been listening to "Jeene ke ishaare" from the movie Phir Milenge...been mesmerizing me for the past few days.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
The meeting with Mr. Kurien
EXAMS ARE OVER!!... THEY ARE OVER AT LONG LAST!!...lemme now do the traditional Mongolian Dance of Relief, before i resume typing.
Exams got over the day before. Rushed to the room, packed up, had a quick lunch and rohith, joseph and myself took off to Bandra to catch a train to Anand in Gujurat. We had been planning this trip for a while, the sole reason being to get to see AMUL and how it works. Jo had been in touch with the PRO, Mr. Partha for a while. He was very helpful and along with him Jo had worked out the entire visit.
Reached Anand around 11.00pm. Seeing the huge and neatly-constructed railway station, all 3 of us knew at once that this wasn't going to be just another small town we were expecting Anand to be (and we were right).
Checked into our hotel room, switched on the TV and saw KKHH ( for the benefit of my international readers, KKHH is Kuch Kuch Hota Hain, a blockbuster hindi movie).
10.00 am next day we are sitting with Mr. Partha in his cabin at GCMMF (Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation...they market the Amul brand of products). He takes us through the schedule for the day and then a brief corporate presentation.
We then move to the main Amul dairy plant. Here Mr. Sundaran, PRO takes us through the entire plant, explaining the various steps in procuring and processing milk. He also took us to the Amul Museum, where we saw the history of Amul and the 3 men behind the revolution (Mr. Tribhuvan Das, Dr. Verghese Kurien, and Mr. H.Daliah).
Had lunch and then left for the Tribhuvan Das foundation, which is charitable set-up providing help to the village community by provding free healthcare, daycare for childeren,etc. We moved to Vidya diary which is a Diary Technology institute cum plant, where diary students are trained hands-on for a year. The assistant manager gave us an overview of this plant and then we were taken into the plant and the some of the operations regarding how Emantelle Cheese and ice-cream were made, were explained.
We then were taken to IRMA ( Institute of Rural Management, Anand). We met up with the PRO who explained to us the spirit behind this institution and how this institute was set up under the leadership of Dr.Verghese Kurien.
Then came the moment we were waiting for - a meeting with Dr. Verghese Kurien - the father of the white revolution. We had heard so much about this great person. About how he integrated the villages across gujurat to create the most successful co-operative India has seen till date - AMUL. He was responsible for the sucess of Operation Flood and for making India Self-sufficeint in Diary. This was a man who married professionalism, profitablility and most importantly socio-economic welfare.
And at 5.00 pm yesterday we were shown into his office and there we saw the legend - in the flesh. We spent about half an hour talking to him. He related to us quite a few anecdotes from his life. He was quite old, yet he was very sharp and quite a humorous and jovial person ( "I've tried....and I dont think i've done badly" .... this he said about his career!!!)
Took a snap with him before we took his leave. :)
Having wrapped our programme for the day, we headed back to the hotel by around 7.00pm. The train wasnt until 10.20 pm and so we killed time by watching Andaz Apna Apna ( amazing PJ's! ). Had dinner , caught our train. We were lucky enough to get seats in the GC. And today morning we were back in Mumbai and back to classes at NITIE.
No trip I've ever been on comes remotely close to the satisfaction I've had during this trip. The story and the people behind AMUL and meeting the man who kickstarted this revolution....what can I say? It was AMAZING!
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Got this from our LAN.
Lyrics of this song called "Sunscreen" by Baz Luhrmann. Made it to the Billboard Top 40(1998-1999). Interesting read...
" Ladies and gentlemen of the class of '99.
Wear Sunscreen.
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. I will dispense this advice now.
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded. But trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked. You are not as fat as you imagine.
Don't worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4 pm on some idel Tuesday. Do one thing every day that scares you.
Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.
Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself. Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how. Keep your old love letters. Throw away your old bank statements.
Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40-year- olds I know still don't. Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to your knees. You'll miss them when they're gone. Mayber you'll marry, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance. So are everybody's else's.
Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Dont' be afraid of it or of what other people think of it. It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.
Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room.
Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.
Do not read beauty magazines. They will only make you feel ugly.
Get to know your parents. You never know when they'll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings. They're your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.
Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.
Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard. Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. Travel.
Accept certain inalienable truths. Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too will get old. And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble, and children respected their elders.
Respect your elders.
Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund. Maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse. But you never know when either one might run out.
Don't mess too much with your hair or by the time you're 40 it will Look 85. Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.
But trust me on the sunscreen. "
Lyrics of this song called "Sunscreen" by Baz Luhrmann. Made it to the Billboard Top 40(1998-1999). Interesting read...
" Ladies and gentlemen of the class of '99.
Wear Sunscreen.
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. I will dispense this advice now.
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded. But trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked. You are not as fat as you imagine.
Don't worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4 pm on some idel Tuesday. Do one thing every day that scares you.
Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.
Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself. Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how. Keep your old love letters. Throw away your old bank statements.
Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40-year- olds I know still don't. Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to your knees. You'll miss them when they're gone. Mayber you'll marry, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance. So are everybody's else's.
Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Dont' be afraid of it or of what other people think of it. It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.
Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room.
Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.
Do not read beauty magazines. They will only make you feel ugly.
Get to know your parents. You never know when they'll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings. They're your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.
Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.
Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard. Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. Travel.
Accept certain inalienable truths. Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too will get old. And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble, and children respected their elders.
Respect your elders.
Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund. Maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse. But you never know when either one might run out.
Don't mess too much with your hair or by the time you're 40 it will Look 85. Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.
But trust me on the sunscreen. "
Sunday, September 19, 2004
There was time, not so long ago, when gmail invites were THE rage. You could get urself a Merc or even a girlfriend if you were among the lucky few to have gmail invites....some of the "not-so-fortunate" could sell their invites for as much as $400 on eBay...*sigh*
Even a month ago, I would have people doing my laundry for an invite...but now..*sighhhhhh* :(
anyways, got a few gmail invites...in case anyone's interested, leave me a message
Even a month ago, I would have people doing my laundry for an invite...but now..*sighhhhhh* :(
anyways, got a few gmail invites...in case anyone's interested, leave me a message
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Happy Birthday to me!
25 years its been till today....started the midnight celebs getting by ass kicked (still hurts! ) ...and then having kisses smother me (still reeling!! )...Had yummy pineapple cake and of course, loads of Dew ( all that drooling abt dew to my friends finally paid off!).....Thanx a lot guys, you made my bday special :)
25 years its been till today....started the midnight celebs getting by ass kicked (still hurts! ) ...and then having kisses smother me (still reeling!! )...Had yummy pineapple cake and of course, loads of Dew ( all that drooling abt dew to my friends finally paid off!).....Thanx a lot guys, you made my bday special :)
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Happy Onam to one and all! Today us mallus at NITIE got together to bring the experience of Onam to our campus. Onam, which is one THE most important festivals of Kerala, traditionally encompass a myriad set of activities.Some of them include, making the "athapoo"- which is a circular floral arrangement done on the floor, tug-of-war, the onam dance - performed by the lovely ladies clad in the traditonal cream sarees....the list is endless. There is of course a story behind why Onam is celebrated.
Of course, us Mallus were in no position to arrange for all these activities. But nevertheless, we arranged for the Onasadhya or the Onam Lunch at our staff canteen. We had a larger than expected turnout and we were happy to see the smiles on peoples faces after their meal. It just made our day :)
A huge thanks also to Ron, Neo, Josh, M.Raj, Gaurav, VAK, Sudeepa, Sabya and many others without whose help this event would not have been a success. Thanx for being a part of our celebrations guys!
Arthi, one of our juniors wrote this poem recounting her Onasadhya Experience
Mallu Food On a Banana Leaf….
Luscious emerald, becomes the dull green
When with water it is cleared
For a banana leaf finds its sheen
When laid barely upon the earth
The ghee added to steaming rice
Exudes a mouthwatering, tantalizing smell
And it would come as no big a surprise
As to how with every side dish they do gel
From the humble rasam to the sambar, so strong
Each dish has a flavor that entices the mind
For piquant lemon flavored pickle, the mouth does long
While sampling chutneys of various kinds
The curries each have their zing
Either spicy, tangy, bitter or sweet
Among the plantain and other things
In an amazing delectable mélange these meet
The poppadoms and plantain chips provide
An incomparable accompaniment to every dish
Even though they are placed by the side
They are every hungry gourmets wish
Even the humble rice and curd
Mixed on the banana leaf
Leave me in search of words
To describe their union, too brief
The last to be served up
But none to say the least
It left everyone refilling their cups
The milk payasam was the queen of the feast
Each dish so unique
Each with its own taste
Your stomach wants to speak
To tell your mouth not to make haste
But instead savor the flavor
Of each morsel, each bite
To hold the feeling forever
Seems uppermost in the mind
Finally after many servings and helpings one feels
Too full to get up and leave the delicacies
Each looking forward to an afternoon’s sleep
And praying that God sends Onam again next week..
- V.P. Arthi
Of course, us Mallus were in no position to arrange for all these activities. But nevertheless, we arranged for the Onasadhya or the Onam Lunch at our staff canteen. We had a larger than expected turnout and we were happy to see the smiles on peoples faces after their meal. It just made our day :)
A huge thanks also to Ron, Neo, Josh, M.Raj, Gaurav, VAK, Sudeepa, Sabya and many others without whose help this event would not have been a success. Thanx for being a part of our celebrations guys!
Arthi, one of our juniors wrote this poem recounting her Onasadhya Experience
Mallu Food On a Banana Leaf….
Luscious emerald, becomes the dull green
When with water it is cleared
For a banana leaf finds its sheen
When laid barely upon the earth
The ghee added to steaming rice
Exudes a mouthwatering, tantalizing smell
And it would come as no big a surprise
As to how with every side dish they do gel
From the humble rasam to the sambar, so strong
Each dish has a flavor that entices the mind
For piquant lemon flavored pickle, the mouth does long
While sampling chutneys of various kinds
The curries each have their zing
Either spicy, tangy, bitter or sweet
Among the plantain and other things
In an amazing delectable mélange these meet
The poppadoms and plantain chips provide
An incomparable accompaniment to every dish
Even though they are placed by the side
They are every hungry gourmets wish
Even the humble rice and curd
Mixed on the banana leaf
Leave me in search of words
To describe their union, too brief
The last to be served up
But none to say the least
It left everyone refilling their cups
The milk payasam was the queen of the feast
Each dish so unique
Each with its own taste
Your stomach wants to speak
To tell your mouth not to make haste
But instead savor the flavor
Of each morsel, each bite
To hold the feeling forever
Seems uppermost in the mind
Finally after many servings and helpings one feels
Too full to get up and leave the delicacies
Each looking forward to an afternoon’s sleep
And praying that God sends Onam again next week..
- V.P. Arthi
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
What character do I match in the Matrix?
I'm Neo :)
This is what this website had to say about me..

You are Neo, the chosen one, the slayer of agents
everywhere. A former nerd, you have evolved
into quite a stubborn hero.
Although Trinity is not that hot, at least you're
one of the few that can get some in the real
You can stop bullets and you're immmortal; so what
the hell are you going to do in Matrix:
"Yeah. Wow, that sounds like a really good
deal. But I think I got a better one. How about
I give you the finger... and you give me my
phone call."
What Character From The Matrix Are You?
I'm Neo :)
This is what this website had to say about me..

You are Neo, the chosen one, the slayer of agents
everywhere. A former nerd, you have evolved
into quite a stubborn hero.
Although Trinity is not that hot, at least you're
one of the few that can get some in the real
You can stop bullets and you're immmortal; so what
the hell are you going to do in Matrix:
"Yeah. Wow, that sounds like a really good
deal. But I think I got a better one. How about
I give you the finger... and you give me my
phone call."
What Character From The Matrix Are You?
Its raining ...and very heavily. An empty coke bottle sits silently by the window sill...almost wishing it were out there, in the rains. It realises its doomed to spend the rest of its useful life inside the dreary confines of an MBA grad's room.
How do I know all this about the empty Coke bottle? Well, you can see right through it :)
Jokes apart, been putting in crazy amount of work in "Designing templates" for multiple projects (inside the dreary confines of an MBA grad's room). Not to mention backbreaking and "colourblinding" StratMan assignments the Prof. keeps firing at us with impeccable regularity.....hmmm..impeccable regularity...sounds redundant in a superfluous way , if u know what i mean....
The song on my winamp just changed to "Uptown Girl". And all of a sudden i'm alive...this song does that you...it really does!
Been missing PiZZZAAAA!!!!.....I think I'll stop for now and mourn....
How do I know all this about the empty Coke bottle? Well, you can see right through it :)
Jokes apart, been putting in crazy amount of work in "Designing templates" for multiple projects (inside the dreary confines of an MBA grad's room). Not to mention backbreaking and "colourblinding" StratMan assignments the Prof. keeps firing at us with impeccable regularity.....hmmm..impeccable regularity...sounds redundant in a superfluous way , if u know what i mean....
The song on my winamp just changed to "Uptown Girl". And all of a sudden i'm alive...this song does that you...it really does!
Been missing PiZZZAAAA!!!!.....I think I'll stop for now and mourn....
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
I have off late been thinking of starting my own rock band (not the heavy metal kind, of course). My talent in making others play the guitar and drums is unmatched. But most importantly, I'm convinced I can sing......and VERY well! Now the few people, who've had the privilege to hear me strain my vocal chords would probably not agree. All I have to tell them now is...I wont be giving them any autographs.
My rock band will be called "The Rock Band". I believe this the only logical name a rock band should have and yet surprisingly, not a single group to my knowledge has ever taken this name. Now for my group members. I believe that everyone should be given a fair chance to showcase their talents. And that's what they can keep doing forever..... cos' HELL, I'M GOING SOLO, BABY!!!
Bryan Adams, Bon Jovi...all of em are probably "bands". But how many of us know the name of their "band" members. Do they EVEN EXIST?? (Which so reminds me of that My Band music video by Eminem ..hehehe )
My local barber will not be seeing me for a while, and yes if anyone out there got some torn jeans please mail 'em over to me. (If u dont wanna give me your jeans and still wanna discard 'em..i hear Wrangler's interested....they were selling 10 year old jeans for 1300 bucks the last time i visited 'em ...sheesh! what is the world coming to?? )
and finally, 3 ways to combat inflation.
1. Dont spend :)
2. Send the money you have to me so that i can form my rock band (also send some to my local barber)
3. Buy my album when it hits the stores. One rupee from after-tax profits/cassette or cd will be donated to the Combat-Inflation fund in Argentina ... (Hell, do they even have a currency?? )
let's rock, dude!
My rock band will be called "The Rock Band". I believe this the only logical name a rock band should have and yet surprisingly, not a single group to my knowledge has ever taken this name. Now for my group members. I believe that everyone should be given a fair chance to showcase their talents. And that's what they can keep doing forever..... cos' HELL, I'M GOING SOLO, BABY!!!
Bryan Adams, Bon Jovi...all of em are probably "bands". But how many of us know the name of their "band" members. Do they EVEN EXIST?? (Which so reminds me of that My Band music video by Eminem ..hehehe )
My local barber will not be seeing me for a while, and yes if anyone out there got some torn jeans please mail 'em over to me. (If u dont wanna give me your jeans and still wanna discard 'em..i hear Wrangler's interested....they were selling 10 year old jeans for 1300 bucks the last time i visited 'em ...sheesh! what is the world coming to?? )
and finally, 3 ways to combat inflation.
1. Dont spend :)
2. Send the money you have to me so that i can form my rock band (also send some to my local barber)
3. Buy my album when it hits the stores. One rupee from after-tax profits/cassette or cd will be donated to the Combat-Inflation fund in Argentina ... (Hell, do they even have a currency?? )
let's rock, dude!
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Aaah Photoshop!*sigh*...I'm just discovering the most awesome things you can do with this one software. Was at it for four hours continously, educating myself from this COOL website. My back's still aching from all that sitting in front of the comp. (and, an ergonomical sitting position was the last thing on my mind!)
Checked out the Exorcist:The Beginning website. Mind blowing flash, I must say....Should be viewed alone in your room with the lights switched off. (I can do that cos I have a single room with a 2Mbps net connection...in short, the good life :) )
Post pizza session, Rusty, Ron, VJ and myself went for a walk around Hiranandani (Central Avenue to be precise)....and we were discussing futures and options....and for once, thanks to VJ I understood what the hell those two words meant... A pretty useful session for all of us.
And yes, the Olympics 2004 have finally begun. Go India...We ARE with you :)
Checked out the Exorcist:The Beginning website. Mind blowing flash, I must say....Should be viewed alone in your room with the lights switched off. (I can do that cos I have a single room with a 2Mbps net connection...in short, the good life :) )
Post pizza session, Rusty, Ron, VJ and myself went for a walk around Hiranandani (Central Avenue to be precise)....and we were discussing futures and options....and for once, thanks to VJ I understood what the hell those two words meant... A pretty useful session for all of us.
And yes, the Olympics 2004 have finally begun. Go India...We ARE with you :)
Friday, August 13, 2004
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
As you can see, I've been refurbishing my blog all day.
*Finally* added links on my side window. Thankfully the template I downloaded had dummy links on the side window already. This made my job a little easier :)
The templates a little too mushy-mushy...those two silly dudes running around on the beach....but this was the best I could find. Will change it someday.
Had the pleasure of beating Hell_guard, Neo and Tarzan today in NFS:Hot Pursuit...
as General Douglas MacArthur aptly put it,
"In war there is no substitute for victory."
*Finally* added links on my side window. Thankfully the template I downloaded had dummy links on the side window already. This made my job a little easier :)
The templates a little too mushy-mushy...those two silly dudes running around on the beach....but this was the best I could find. Will change it someday.
Had the pleasure of beating Hell_guard, Neo and Tarzan today in NFS:Hot Pursuit...
as General Douglas MacArthur aptly put it,
"In war there is no substitute for victory."
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Back after a long gap..........no excuses, was too lazy to blog..also managed to forget my password in the process :) moved my lazy ass and recovered it today!
came across this site
Its got some awesome essays on economics, some written by none other than Keynes himself.Besides this site has got info about various countries regarding their history and their current political, economical and political status.
An informative read for the well-informed :)
came across this site
Its got some awesome essays on economics, some written by none other than Keynes himself.Besides this site has got info about various countries regarding their history and their current political, economical and political status.
An informative read for the well-informed :)
Thursday, April 29, 2004
I was with Ram Merchandiser yesterday. He works for the stockist and takes care of the displays to be displayed (d-uh!) at the various retail outlets. He took me around to all the shops I had to visit, which saved me a lot of time hunting around for these shops. But he only walks...the only transport he uses is the local train to transport himself from one suburb to another.....otherwise, its only walking....
And i walked with him....walked and walked...and covered the two shops at mahim...
Then we moved on to Bandra...i ask him,
"Ek Auto le lein?" (shall we catch a rickshaw?)
"Nahin Sir, paas hain"...(No need sir, the shop is nearby)
and we walk and walk....and we reach the "nearby" shop after walking for nearly half hour....
(Half hour sounds less....but considering it was a blistering hot outside and the fact that i was walking all the way before that....)
After that, we hardly walked....cleverly combining the use of the auto and the bus, i get through the rest of the route with relative ease....(Hey, i'm getting 200 bucks for transportation per day...resources must be used optimally ;-) )
Though if it werent for Ram Merchandiser, I know i wouldnt have completed the route yesterday...Thanx Dude...
Was late into the evening, i was chilling in my room, when i felt a pain in my left leg...the walking took its toll...I had a tough time going to sleep...the pain was well, painful .. ;-)
Just a Thought :
Was walking through a narrow lane, filled with potholes and dirty water all around....had do quite a bit of dodging around. So i was mostly looking down...i knew where i had to go...the destination was there. But what i couldnt do was look around much, couldnt see what was around me...i could have possibly missed out on some alternative routes, that i could have to taken to reach my destination.....
I was thinking about any business going through tough times(possibly due to external or internal fators)....what should it do? The above para tells me, that it should look at short term, look for immediate escape routes, even if it maybe costly in the long-term.....
I wonder if there's been business in trouble, that has done otherwise....if so, what's happened to that business...did it survive? if it has, has it emerged stronger ?...
And i walked with him....walked and walked...and covered the two shops at mahim...
Then we moved on to Bandra...i ask him,
"Ek Auto le lein?" (shall we catch a rickshaw?)
"Nahin Sir, paas hain"...(No need sir, the shop is nearby)
and we walk and walk....and we reach the "nearby" shop after walking for nearly half hour....
(Half hour sounds less....but considering it was a blistering hot outside and the fact that i was walking all the way before that....)
After that, we hardly walked....cleverly combining the use of the auto and the bus, i get through the rest of the route with relative ease....(Hey, i'm getting 200 bucks for transportation per day...resources must be used optimally ;-) )
Though if it werent for Ram Merchandiser, I know i wouldnt have completed the route yesterday...Thanx Dude...
Was late into the evening, i was chilling in my room, when i felt a pain in my left leg...the walking took its toll...I had a tough time going to sleep...the pain was well, painful .. ;-)
Just a Thought :
Was walking through a narrow lane, filled with potholes and dirty water all around....had do quite a bit of dodging around. So i was mostly looking down...i knew where i had to go...the destination was there. But what i couldnt do was look around much, couldnt see what was around me...i could have possibly missed out on some alternative routes, that i could have to taken to reach my destination.....
I was thinking about any business going through tough times(possibly due to external or internal fators)....what should it do? The above para tells me, that it should look at short term, look for immediate escape routes, even if it maybe costly in the long-term.....
I wonder if there's been business in trouble, that has done otherwise....if so, what's happened to that business...did it survive? if it has, has it emerged stronger ?...
Sunday, April 25, 2004
Been a week into the job......excruciating is too *nice* a word to describe what i was going through all of last week. But there's this AWESOME sense of fulfillment at the end of the day. That's coz, I'm actually out there DOING something....even if it means travelling in jam packed trains, getting headaches walking in the hot sun(not mention having to put on sunscreen..yuck!), being shouted at or worse, being totally ignore by retailers, as if i were some form of low life...
In a week's travelling, i've learnt more about Mumbai than i have in the last 9 months of actually living in this city. Since i get my lunch reimbursed everyday (with a cap upto Rs.200!!) i get to eat what i want, wherever i want to....so its been McD, Subway going on alternate days :))
....All this is of course, is apart from the amazing learning experience, of actually talking to retailers, stockists and customers and getting their point of view....Its great to see things as they happen out there, which isnt even half as close as the text book scenarios we learn in the classroom.
Mintzberg recently took a swipe at MBA students and the learning they go through at "B-Schools". Being an MBA student myself, I wouldn't entirely do away with what's taught at a B-school. Its textbook stuff and not practical stuff...many would say. True, but what written in texts are actually Experiences of many people spread over a long periods of time, which have been crystallised into a few paragraphs.
Unlike say physics, where certain principles are fundamental and apply to all situations (like gravity), in Management, every situation is unique and so what we learn in school can never be applied as it is. This i feel is the mistake many students make....they feel they've learnt all about they need to know abt business at a b-school..and feel they can apply what they have learnt as it is..which is simply untrue...
Then as Mintzberg said (Mahesh Murthy mentioned this in his BunsinessWorld column), there's the need to use a tool called "Gut-feel"...many successful leaders/managers are successful because they have used exactly this tool.
This tool cannot be learnt instantly(develops with experience, many say...i personally feel genetics have a major role). Its highly risky to use it. And the results are often unpredictable....which is why its easier to hide behind statistics, numbers and the like ....
And yet, there will always come a time in any managers professional life when he/she has to use "gut-feel"....In fact ,many important decisions have been taken on "gut feel"...logic usually takes the back seat....
Hard to digest for most MBA students...Logic just HAS to be there....if there's no logic behind a decision....then there's no decision....A common refrain among younger managers....no harm thinking that way...but its NOT the ONLY way....that's what we have to accept...
In a week's travelling, i've learnt more about Mumbai than i have in the last 9 months of actually living in this city. Since i get my lunch reimbursed everyday (with a cap upto Rs.200!!) i get to eat what i want, wherever i want to....so its been McD, Subway going on alternate days :))
....All this is of course, is apart from the amazing learning experience, of actually talking to retailers, stockists and customers and getting their point of view....Its great to see things as they happen out there, which isnt even half as close as the text book scenarios we learn in the classroom.
Mintzberg recently took a swipe at MBA students and the learning they go through at "B-Schools". Being an MBA student myself, I wouldn't entirely do away with what's taught at a B-school. Its textbook stuff and not practical stuff...many would say. True, but what written in texts are actually Experiences of many people spread over a long periods of time, which have been crystallised into a few paragraphs.
Unlike say physics, where certain principles are fundamental and apply to all situations (like gravity), in Management, every situation is unique and so what we learn in school can never be applied as it is. This i feel is the mistake many students make....they feel they've learnt all about they need to know abt business at a b-school..and feel they can apply what they have learnt as it is..which is simply untrue...
Then as Mintzberg said (Mahesh Murthy mentioned this in his BunsinessWorld column), there's the need to use a tool called "Gut-feel"...many successful leaders/managers are successful because they have used exactly this tool.
This tool cannot be learnt instantly(develops with experience, many say...i personally feel genetics have a major role). Its highly risky to use it. And the results are often unpredictable....which is why its easier to hide behind statistics, numbers and the like ....
And yet, there will always come a time in any managers professional life when he/she has to use "gut-feel"....In fact ,many important decisions have been taken on "gut feel"...logic usually takes the back seat....
Hard to digest for most MBA students...Logic just HAS to be there....if there's no logic behind a decision....then there's no decision....A common refrain among younger managers....no harm thinking that way...but its NOT the ONLY way....that's what we have to accept...
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Tomorrow is when the grind begins...
Had a taste of the job on friday, walking all day in the sun, looking around for the 8 shops i was supposed to visit that day...the heat,dust, pollution, and the hustle-bustle that's typical of a day in Mumbai...really gets to you. Needless to say, the experience was humbling...Talking to retailers, you realise that not everything is hunky-dory on the frontlines as in made out in the corporate office....
MBAs in general dream of sitting in air-conditioned corporate offices, glassy buildings with plush interiors, a laptop and few good looking colleagues for company...
Absolutely nothing wrong with that...everyone wants to live the good life...but I personally feel, that there's this growth path one should follow.....going through some hardships initially, before settling in comfortably....Most companies (especially fmcg's) i know, follow this path for its new recruits...
I know what i've written, sounds pretty old...even cliched maybe.....but's its good to be reminded once in a while......it keeps you going through some tough times....like what i'll be going through over the next 5 weeks....
Had a taste of the job on friday, walking all day in the sun, looking around for the 8 shops i was supposed to visit that day...the heat,dust, pollution, and the hustle-bustle that's typical of a day in Mumbai...really gets to you. Needless to say, the experience was humbling...Talking to retailers, you realise that not everything is hunky-dory on the frontlines as in made out in the corporate office....
MBAs in general dream of sitting in air-conditioned corporate offices, glassy buildings with plush interiors, a laptop and few good looking colleagues for company...
Absolutely nothing wrong with that...everyone wants to live the good life...but I personally feel, that there's this growth path one should follow.....going through some hardships initially, before settling in comfortably....Most companies (especially fmcg's) i know, follow this path for its new recruits...
I know what i've written, sounds pretty old...even cliched maybe.....but's its good to be reminded once in a while......it keeps you going through some tough times....like what i'll be going through over the next 5 weeks....
Thursday, April 15, 2004
back after a long hiatus...
dont wish to write down that's happened in my life since my last blog. Not that much has happened anyway.
BUT..yes, my 3rd module exams did get over...that's some serious relief. No more exams till september this year.... :))
As of now,doing my summer internship with colgate-palmolive. Involved in market research. Will get to travel all around Mumbai...hoping to know the city like the back of my hand at the end of two months. More importantly, will get to to meet tons of stockists, retailers and of course, consumers....
Col-pal's probably got the best sales setup in India...getting to understand and actually seeing it in action is in itself an awesome experience....
Looking forward to an exciting summer at col-pal...and of course, after that, a 25 day stay(hopefully) at home in June....:)
btw, most of my friends dont agree on this one....but I FEEL, Vanilla Coke's great....
dont wish to write down that's happened in my life since my last blog. Not that much has happened anyway.
BUT..yes, my 3rd module exams did get over...that's some serious relief. No more exams till september this year.... :))
As of now,doing my summer internship with colgate-palmolive. Involved in market research. Will get to travel all around Mumbai...hoping to know the city like the back of my hand at the end of two months. More importantly, will get to to meet tons of stockists, retailers and of course, consumers....
Col-pal's probably got the best sales setup in India...getting to understand and actually seeing it in action is in itself an awesome experience....
Looking forward to an exciting summer at col-pal...and of course, after that, a 25 day stay(hopefully) at home in June....:)
btw, most of my friends dont agree on this one....but I FEEL, Vanilla Coke's great....
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
today was one of those days...things fell pretty much in place...had pizza, did a pilot market study and struck a deal with the printer and the photographer. Felt good, interacting with a lot of people (including the waiter at pizza hut) and getting it right :)
but its days like these, when your so caught up with how well things are going...that you forget to learn important lessons, which you otherwise learn through the bad or depressing situations you may go through.
....well, as they say, life's a long, ardous journey...but you deserve a little encouragement along the way...think i got a wee bit of that today :)
but its days like these, when your so caught up with how well things are going...that you forget to learn important lessons, which you otherwise learn through the bad or depressing situations you may go through.
....well, as they say, life's a long, ardous journey...but you deserve a little encouragement along the way...think i got a wee bit of that today :)
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
hallo! guten tag...
no, u guessed wrong. i didnt just pick up the above german phrase from some language website....
i usually do that...but this time around, i'm actually learning german. Yes, that's right people, i'm learning a foreign language after a gap of like 11 years. 11 years back i was learning arabic. It was part my curriculum while i was schooling in the Middle East. Back then, i didn't like studying...not that i do now, of course. But now, i like to learn languages. I now have this oppurtunity to do the same (thanks to sujata, my german teacher).
Why the love for languages? Not very sure myself. But in some way, i feel learning a language takes you somewhere far away, into another culture, another place.....Its like being part of an adventure you always wanted to be in.
My environmental mgmt. test went OK. I hadn't done much studying. So for the measly effort i put in, I'd say i did pretty decent.
I played soccer today. After a real long time. I had been forewarned by my friends rohith and joseph that i'd be up against some rough guys who kick you more than the ball. I was undaunted. I had got this oppurtunity after long last (yet another oppurtunity!), and i didnt want to chicken out! I did remove my specs however. I was playing half-blind. BUt..we won
no, u guessed wrong. i didnt just pick up the above german phrase from some language website....
i usually do that...but this time around, i'm actually learning german. Yes, that's right people, i'm learning a foreign language after a gap of like 11 years. 11 years back i was learning arabic. It was part my curriculum while i was schooling in the Middle East. Back then, i didn't like studying...not that i do now, of course. But now, i like to learn languages. I now have this oppurtunity to do the same (thanks to sujata, my german teacher).
Why the love for languages? Not very sure myself. But in some way, i feel learning a language takes you somewhere far away, into another culture, another place.....Its like being part of an adventure you always wanted to be in.
My environmental mgmt. test went OK. I hadn't done much studying. So for the measly effort i put in, I'd say i did pretty decent.
I played soccer today. After a real long time. I had been forewarned by my friends rohith and joseph that i'd be up against some rough guys who kick you more than the ball. I was undaunted. I had got this oppurtunity after long last (yet another oppurtunity!), and i didnt want to chicken out! I did remove my specs however. I was playing half-blind. BUt..we won
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